You may have read my other article about leather weight. This talked about thicknesses of leather (weight).
In this article I will dive a little bit more into what thicknesses I use for different jobs.
Apart from the weight of leather I also decide on what type of leather I use. For example, I might choose English Bridle Hide to make handbags. On the other hand I might choose undyed veg tanned hide to make a handbag. Then there is the part of the hide I want. For those heavy jobs, like wide belts, saddles and chairs I will choose butt as this is the strongest part of the hide. For a bit of subtleness I will choose shoulder, which is more pliable and softer yet still very strong. I use shoulder on my guitar straps for example. These decisions are based on what finish I want in my end product.
The thickness is the next decision point.
I will use leather that is less than 1mm thick for lining inside boxes or gun cases. I use 1mm upholstery leather for desktop and writing slope inlays. For saddle bags I will use anything thicker than 3.5mm.
This table below lists some of the uses for the various weights of leather.
Weight in Ounces | Uses |
1 to 2 | Watch bands, thin wallets, lining. |
2 to 3 | Wallets, Thick Watch bands, Thin Purses, Liners, Bookmarks, Shoes, Small Pouches, and Light Upholstery. |
3 to 4 | Thicker wallets, Molding and Embossing, Small Bags and Purses, Thin Notebook covers, Standard Upholstery. |
4 to 5 | Notebook covers, Small Knife Sheaths, Keychains, Small bags and purses, Light Chaps, and Aprons. |
5 to 6 | Notebook covers, Small Knife Sheaths, Key chains, Thicker Pouches, Cases, Chaps, Small Purses and Bags, and Light Aprons. |
6 to 7 | Guitar Straps, Large Notebook covers, Knife Sheaths, Key chains, Thicker pouches, Carved purses and bags, Heavy Chaps, Cases, Thin Belts, Thin Scabbards, and Thin Armour. |
7 to 8 | Large Notebook Covers, Knife sheaths, Light Slings, Key chains, Pet collars, Scabbards, Bags and Purses, Cases, Belts and Light Straps, Heavy Aprons, Small Holsters. |
8 to 9 | Heavy Notebook covers, Knife sheathes, Slings, Key chains, Scabbards, Bags and Purses, Armour, Saddle Bags, Pet collars, Belts, Straps, Holsters. |
9 to 10 | Knife sheaths, Slings, Key chains, Scabbards, Large Bags and Purses, Saddle Bags, Pet Collars, Armour, Cases, Heavy Belts, Straps, Holsters. |
10 to 11 | Heavy Knife Sheaths, Heavy Holsters, Belts over 1-1/2″ Wide, Slings, Key Chains, Heavy Carrying Cases, Light Saddles, Thicker Armour. |
11 to 12 | Heavy knife sheaths, Heavy Slings, Heavy Saddle Bags, Thick Pet Collars, Thicker Armour. |
12 and above | Tack, Saddles. |